Hey ya’ll!!
I know that we are all doing well as can be these days. I want to thank you for your patience with my process and me.
My previous post apologized for being away for a month, and I vowed to be better.
Instead I got worse?

I took a two-month break from blogging filled with plenty of living.
The best news is I have lots to share and more lessons to help us all learn to level up through!!
I have spent the past two months leading a youth basketball academy; hosting a Track and Field Camp; caring for two beautiful puppies; organizing a youth volleyball camp and pre season high school volleyball tournament; as well as getting the fall recreation volleyball season underway. I have also been on trips to Michigan to visit my parents and South Carolina on basketball business respectively.
I been doing all of these things in addition to my usual duties.

I also celebrated my 45th birthday twice, once in Michigan and again in Florida!!

I was inspired to maximize my output after watching the Olympic Games. Seeing so many talented people put everything they had into moments of intense competition reminded me of all the goals I have and all the things I want to do in this experience.

I have been doing all of this day by day with a focus on taking one step at a time and nothing else.
I am happy to report that Coach B is still on the sideline ready to assist any and all small business players ready to elevate in any way. And I’m full of energy; these guys make sure of that!!

I still have my story to tell about how I got my big black truck that I had to get rid of so stay tuned; prayerfully it won’t take two months.
In the meantime enjoy this poem I wrote over 20 years ago; I still believe.

With love always,
Coach B
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