One time I had a big black truck; a mini monster truck to be exact. I truly enjoyed driving this truck, no matter how inefficient or unnecessary it really was.

After a few weeks of trouble, one day my big black truck gave me a big green problem. The engine blew two head gaskets and I needed to replace it. I was gonna need three thousand dollars to get my truck running again.

At the time I lived thirty minutes from my office; my wife was working from home and raising our toddler son and infant daughter at home. We were just starting to see small profits from our small family business, but a three thousand dollar bill didn’t seem like it would fit our budget.
My mechanic gave me a three-week turnaround for the engine rebuild; we gave our selves a month to raise the money. In the meantime my wife drove me thirty minutes to work and then returned home thirty minutes with both children in tow twice each day Monday through Friday.
At the end of what seemed like the longest three weeks my mechanic called to say the truck was ready, and I was happy to tell him I had his money!!

When I initially sat in my truck to go to work I was so relieved and happy to be back riding again. When I returned home on my own that evening I had a small epiphany that I shared with my wife. We had just spent the past three weeks working our jobs and our business and we managed to have enough money to pay our usual bills and raise three thousand dollars on the side without missing a beat.
This experience gave me extreme confidence as we moved further along with our young business and family. When faced with what seemed like extremely challenging circumstances we found a way to not only survive, but in the end, thrive!!

I told my wife we needed to work with the same energy, confidence, and belief that we used to overcome my blown engine to overcome any situation. If we could do it our dreams would form into reality. We had a dream of owning a business that sustained whatever lifestyle we chose to live comfortably.
12 years later I can thankfully say I was correct. We started to conduct our lives and business with confidence and belief instead of worrying about what life would deal us next.
No day is perfect but each one is filled with obstacles we are well equipped to overcome.
The best news is that you are equally equipped!!
You have what it takes right now to get started creating the lifestyle you dream of!!
Any obstacle or struggles you encounter contain the lessons needed to make your transition from where you are to where you want to be!!!

Thank you for your time and attention. Check back next time as I tell you how I got the big black truck in the first place; it was a return on an investment I had made 6 months earlier.
Make it a great day!!!
With Love always,
Coach B
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