How to turn downtime into dollar signs is a very intriguing question for sure. We all have heard about the side hustle and how we need one if we don’t already have three. So many times I have come across advertisements for coaches of all types informing me of their secret side hustle sauce; and how I need to get some a.s.a.p.!!

Let me be clear; I knock neither your hustle nor the one you have on the side. I wish the best for all that are endeavoring to do anything. I hope that if we do ever cross paths I am able to support you and yours during your journey.
In my situation my side hustle was working with my wife; really giving my wife space to work. I am very multi talented and capable of thriving in many roles. My greatest asset is being able to give my all no matter the role I am playing or what the role requires.
Trading my downtime for more support work felt somewhat challenging at first: especially when I only thought about what it was going to be like to not be doing some things I had gotten used to doing. I needed to imagine my life transformed as a result of the changes I was making.
I had gotten used to spending my time writing rap songs and creating video game winning strategies.

This was a lot different than doing research, packing rulers, and providing customer service to online quilters
While I dreamed up my best days doing what felt like mundane tasks to assist my wife I found something wonderful happening.

My skills that I had learned in other areas of my life and at previous stations in my experience were just the things I had been looking for to help my wife in our business. Instead of feeling like I had spent the previous 30+ years accumulating skills that seemed irrelevant and useless at times in my life I had another epiphany; I WAS BUILT FOR THESE MOMENTS!!
As I put these skills into action assisting my wife in our business I saw that I wasn’t actually giving up anything; I was simply redirecting my energies in a new direction; toward new things.

This is the key in any transformation, but especially in business. You must be able to transfer your skills that you have used in other arenas to your own business.
As I have stated many times, and I will continue to do so; you already have what you need to be successful!! You have been building towards success your entire life. Every instance of anything you have experienced has been preparation for your success today!!
You must simply acknowledge your abilities, insights, and experiences as what they are; the secrets to your success!!
When you can lean into your previous lessons and testing you will find the answers to the “problems” you perceive to be hindering your success.
To turn your downtime into to dollar signs you must simply learn to use the skills and abilities you already have in ways that directly benefit you and your business.
The same things your employer, friends, and family value about you can be extremely valuable to the right marketplace!! The key is to believe in what you are bringing to the table and constantly being willing to get better at what you are already good at.
The toughest part of all of this is remembering how skilled you are and what you have in the kitchen to bring to the table. You have so much good stuff to work with!!!

Some of it you were born with; some of it you have gained over time; all of it is you!! And all of it is what you need to be successful.
To help jog your memory I am happy to share a free Personal Resource Inventory and an Investment Inventory Worksheet; remember to add skills that you already have to your Personal Resource Inventory under the Personal Resources!! I know taking sometime to jot down what you can invest personally in your business, and more importantly, what you have to give to yourself, will be a big boost to your overall confidence. We get so busy doing great things everyday we forget how great we truly are.
Let me know if you can think of some training or skills, or ability you have that you thought was irrelevant, but with the right direction and focus, it can be the key to your financial and business success!!
Thanks so much for your time and attention!! I’ll be back next week with more great information to keep you going on your journey!!
With love always,
Coach B
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